Crambid Snout Moths




How to pronounce Crambidae: //ˈkræm.bɪˌdeɪ//

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Loxostege unilinealis by the Smithsonian. Used under a CC0 license.
Noctuelia virula by the Smithsonian. Used under a CC0 license.
Ostrinia nubilalis by the Smithsonian. Used under a CC0 license.
Loxostege unilinealis by the Smithsonian. Used under a CC0 license.
Margaronia brevilinealis by the Smithsonian. Used under a CC0 license.
Sylepta simealis by the Smithsonian. Used under a CC0 license.


Crambidae, known as Crambid Snout Moths, is a family of lepidopterans with approximately 860 species in 10 subfamilies in certain regions and about 11,630 described species worldwide. They are morphologically diverse and play significant roles in ecosystems, agriculture, and even human consumption.

Physical Characteristics

Variable in appearance; wingspan usually 10-35 mm. The nominal subfamily Crambinae (grass moths) has closely folded postures on grass stems, while other subfamilies include brightly coloured and patterned insects that rest in wing-spread attitudes.

Identification Tips

Look for the specific wing patterns and resting attitudes characteristic of each subfamily. Common elements of forewing maculation vary between subfamilies.


Found in or on terrestrial or aquatic vegetation; some species live in nests of arboreal ants.


Cosmopolitan, with many species described across different regions.


Larvae typically feed on grass, being stem borers, root feeders, leaf tiers, and leaf miners.

Life Cycle

Life cycle includes egg, larval (caterpillar), pupal, and adult stages, with larvae being the most economically impactful.

Ecosystem Role

Plays a role in plant dynamics, both as pests and as agents of biological control for invasive species (e.g., water hyacinth moth).

Economic Impact

Some species are pests of agricultural crops, including sugarcane, corn, and rice; others serve as biocontrol agents.

Cultural Significance

Some crambids, like the bamboo borer, are utilized for human consumption; others are integral in pest control.

Collecting Methods

  • Light trapping
  • Sweep netting
  • Hand collecting

Preservation Methods

  • Pinning
  • Drying
  • Freezing


Belongs to Pyraloidea, historically debated if part of Pyralidae; defined by unique structures in their tympanal organs.

Similar Taxa


May be confused with snout moths (Pyralidae); the distinction is based on specific morphological traits.


  • Lepidoptera
  • Crambidae
  • moths
  • agricultural pests
  • biological control