Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths




How to pronounce Pyraloidea: //pɪˌræloʊˈɪdiə//

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Neurocolpus nubilus and Canadian Petrophila (Petrophila canadensis) on Ox-eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) - London, Ontario 2015-06-19 by Ryan Hodnett. Used under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Petrophila fulicalis P1290485a by 
xpda. Used under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Eoparargyractis irroratalis by David Dodd. Used under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Canadian Petrophila Moth (Petrophila canadensis) - London, Ontario 2015-06-19 by Ryan Hodnett. Used under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Petrophila fulicalis (1 of 1) by Doctorkilmer. Used under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Acentria ephemerella 0002004 by Robert L. Johnson, Cornell University. Used under a CC BY 3.0 us license.


Pyraloidea, also known as pyralid and crambid snout moths, is a moth superfamily composed of around 16,000 described species worldwide, recognized for their diverse feeding habits and ecological roles.

Physical Characteristics

Generally fairly small moths with a basally scaled proboscis and abdominal tympanal organs.

Identification Tips

To separate Crambidae from Pyralidae, consult literature discussing their morphological and ecological differences.


Diverse habitats; larvae live in various environments ranging from aquatic habitats to terrestrial ecosystems.


Approximately 16,000 described species worldwide with at least as many more to be described.


Larvae feed on living plants, either internally or externally, as leaf rollers, leaf webbers, leaf miners, borers, root feeders, seed feeders, and some on animal detritus.

Life Cycle

Complex life cycles with various feeding habits at the larval stage.


Details not specified; generally involve oviposition on host plants.


Certain larvae predate on scale insects.

Ecosystem Role

Important in biodiversity studies due to their diverse life history adaptations.

Economic Impact

Pests of economically significant crops and stored products, e.g., rice, corn, sugarcane, seeds, and grains.


The superfamily has undergone significant reclassification; formerly included several families now classified as separate superfamilies.

Similar Taxa


Misclassification with various genera still unresolved; separates have evolved leading to confusion.


  • Pyraloidea
  • Lepidoptera
  • snout moths
  • pests
  • agriculture