Five-lobed Plume Moths




How to pronounce Pterophorinae: //ˈtɛrəfəˌraɪni//

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Gillmeria pallidactyla 1 by Jacy Lucier. Used under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Gillmeria pallidactyla (51304366407) by Ben Sale from Stevenage, UK. Used under a CC BY 2.0 license.
Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla 01 (js), Lodz (Poland) by Jerzystrzelecki. Used under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Gillmeria albertae on an Arnica in Banff National Park by Jeffrey N. Murphy. Used under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Gillmeria pallidactyla (35255922271) by Ben Sale from UK. Used under a CC BY 2.0 license.
Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla (53061985704) by Ben Sale from Stevenage, UK. Used under a CC BY 2.0 license.


Pterophorinae is a subfamily of plume moths characterized by their distinctive five-lobed wings and broad distribution across North America, comprising several tribes and genera, with a significant number of species detailed within taxonomic literature.

Physical Characteristics

Five-lobed wings characteristic of the Pterophorinae subfamily.

Identification Tips

Look for the distinct lobing of the forewings and hindwings, with terms such as costa, outer margin, inner margin, and anal angle used to describe wing structures.


Widespread across various habitats in the United States and Canada, primarily in areas suitable for larval host plants.


Found throughout North America, with a significant number of species in the United States and Canada. Limited distribution for some genera and species.


Larvae are known to feed on a variety of host plants; adults typically do not feed extensively.

Life Cycle

The life cycle includes egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages, with moths being most visible in the adult stage.


Moths reproduce sexually, with mating occurring in the adult stage and females laying eggs on host plants.


Like many moths, they are preyed upon by various birds, bats, and other insects.

Conservation Status

Not currently listed as threatened or endangered, but habitat loss may affect certain species.

Ecosystem Role

They play a role in pollination and serve as prey for higher trophic levels.

Economic Impact

Generally not considered economically significant; some species may influence agricultural crops indirectly as herbivores during their larval stage.

Cultural Significance

Not widely recognized in cultural contexts; however, as all species contribute to biodiversity, they hold ecological value.

Collecting Methods

  • Light traps
  • Netting during flight
  • Searching in their specific habitats during the day or night

Preservation Methods

  • Pinning specimens
  • Storing in dry, cool locations to prevent degradation
  • Using entomological boxes for display


The subfamily Pterophorinae evolved distinctive lobed wing structures which allow for unique flight patterns and camouflage.


Some may confuse plume moths with other types of moths due to their unique wing structure; their appearance is distinctive and evolutionary adaptations are specialized.


  • Pterophorinae
  • moths
  • plume moths
  • Lepidoptera
  • North America
  • insect taxonomy