
Common Name



The family Pseudococcidae, commonly known as mealybugs, consists of small, sap-sucking insects found on a wide variety of host plants.


Key Characteristics

  • Appearance: Mealybugs typically present a white, powdery, or waxy coating, which gives them a distinctive fuzzy appearance.
  • Size: They usually measure between 1 to 4 mm in length.
  • Body Shape: Soft-bodied and oval-shaped.
  • Legs and Antennae: They have well-developed legs and antennae, which distinguish them from scale insects.

Life Cycle

  • Egg Stage: Females lay clusters of eggs, often in protective waxy sacs.
  • Nymph Stage: The young nymphs, called crawlers, disperse to new feeding sites and undergo multiple moults.
  • Adult Stage: Adults may be wingless or possess wings depending on the species and sex. Females typically remain wingless, while males can be winged.

Behavior and Ecology

  • Feeding: Mealybugs feed on plant sap, extracting nutrients from leaves, stems, and roots, causing damage to their host plants.
  • Symbiosis: They often engage in mutualistic relationships with ants, which protect them in exchange for honeydew, a sugary byproduct of their feeding.
  • Mobility: While females are generally sedentary, males are more mobile, facilitating dispersal and mating.

Notable Species

  • Planococcus citri: Citrus mealybug
  • Phenacoccus solenopsis: Solenopsis mealybug
  • Dysmicoccus brevipes: Pineapple mealybug


Mealybugs are not typically a focus of conservation efforts due to their status as agricultural pests rather than endangered species.

Significance to Humans

  • Agricultural Impact: Mealybugs are known pests in agriculture, causing significant damage to crops like citrus, grapes, and ornamental plants.
  • Control Methods: Management typically involves chemical pesticides, biological control with natural predators (e.g., ladybugs), and cultural practices.

Fun Facts

  • Mealybugs are often farmed by ants.
  • They can produce a protective wax coating that makes them resistant to certain insecticides.
  • Some mealybugs can reproduce without mating, through a process called parthenogenesis.
  • The sugary substance they excrete, honeydew, can lead to the growth of sooty mold on plants.