
Common Name

Creeping water bugs


Naucoridae, commonly known as creeping water bugs, belong to a family of predatory aquatic insects. They are typically found in various freshwater habitats, including streams, rivers, and ponds.


Key Characteristics

  • Body Shape : Broad and somewhat oval-bodied, flattened dorso-ventrally.
  • Size : Generally between 1 cm and 1.5 cm in length.
  • Color : Colors range from brown to dark green.
  • Antennae : Short and often hidden beneath the head.
  • Legs : Forelegs adapted for grasping prey, hind legs often fringed with hairs suitable for swimming.
  • Mouthparts : Piercing-sucking mouthparts designed to inject enzymes and suck out the liquefied insides of their prey.

Life Cycle

  • Egg Stage : Eggs are usually laid on submerged vegetation.
  • Larval/Nymph Stage : Undergo several nymphal instars, each closely resembling the adult but smaller and without fully developed wings.
  • Adult Stage : Fully developed wings and reproductive structures, capable of predation immediately upon emerging.

Behavior and Ecology

  • Feeding : Predatory, feeding on other aquatic insects, small fish, and tadpoles.
  • Habitat Preference : Favor slow-moving or still freshwater environments.
  • Defense Mechanisms : Use their forelegs to grasp potential threats and can release a defensive fluid if disturbed.

Notable Species

  • Ambrysus mormon : Found in the western United States and noted for its habitat in hot springs.
  • Pelocoris femoratus : A species widespread across various freshwater systems in North America.


Naucoridae are generally not considered endangered, but their habitat preferences make them susceptible to water pollution and habitat destruction.

Significance to Humans

  • Indicator Species : Their presence or absence can be an indicator of water quality.
  • Pest Control : Prey on other insects, potentially reducing populations of pest species.

Fun Fact Section

  • Diving Capabilities : Use a layer of air held by fine hairs around their body to breathe underwater.
  • Escape Strategies : Known to play dead when captured.
  • Versatile Predators : Although primarily aquatic, they can also prey on terrestrial insects that fall into the water.
  • Species Diversity : Over 330 known species globally.